About Amy

Amy has been a lifelong artist, from drawing on walls as a child, to obtaining a degree in Fine Art. Amy draws her inspiration from bucolic rural scenes of the Virginia countryside. Rustic barns, rolling landscapes and bright garden florals are often themes found in her work. Amy's artwork includes "recycled art". Salvaging her classroom sample art into small colorful scraps, she recreates and give new life to her otherwise discarded works. Using canvas, ribbon and fabrics, then sewing in decorative stitches, Amy creates truly unique and one of a kind artwork. Amy has lived in the Warrenton area for over 20 years with her husband Andy, daughter Anna and a small flock of rowdy chickens. Painting is definitely Amy’s passion! Amy is a published illustrator, as well as an award winning local art instructor, for Fauquier county. See Amy's other website for live classes at www.creativecrafts.space.